Saturday, November 19, 2011

Magnificent Muse, and much much more

So there's this girl.  I can't get her out of my mind, and I can't stop looking at her.  This girl, you see, is one of the best things to happen to me in my life.  I've been through a lot and I haven't really felt like I could tell anyone everything about me.  They either don't stick around long enough to let me trust them, or they never quite understand and they end up leaving.  I came close with my current best friends, but even with them there is something missing.

But this girl I've told you about, I don't know how or why but she gets me.  I feel like I can tell her anything and she won't judge me, freak out, or leave.  I'm not the easiest person to get along with.  I have mood swings, insecurities, and a hard head.  But she puts up with it; for some reason she puts up with it.  And if she didn't I have no idea what I would do.

When I'm with her I feel so much better.  The world just kinda melts away and I forget about my problems.  That paper I have due, my issues with my parents, the stress of my day no longer exists.  All I have in my mind are her eyes, her smile, her intoxicating smell.  She makes me feel better just by being her.  And when we're apart I can't stop thinking about her.  My notes from class have fleeting thoughts about her.  She's made me want to write again.  I'd stopped writing for a while because I had no inspiration, nothing to write about or for.  But I have something again.  She makes me want to even write poetry...I don't write poetry.

My heart skips a beat every time I see her.  She is so beautiful.  My arms fit so perfectly around her it's crazy.  She is amazing and at this point I can't imagine my life without her.  I can see her in my future.  I usually would be scared about that, but I'm not; it's a comforting feeling this time.  I don't want to imagine anything else.  And I don't mind cooking her vegetarian food, cracking my knuckles less because it freaks her out, or wearing her favorite color just to make her smile. It hasn't been long, but it feels like I've known her for a lifetime.  And I couldn't ask for anything else.  I'm the happiest I've been since I was eight years old, and I don't want this feeling to ever go away.

I write this because I've been thinking about this for a while.  This is my attempt to put all I've been thinking in writing, and it isn't even the tip of the iceberg.  I'm not sure I will ever be able to say it all eloquently or completely, but I'll try for now.

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