Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Caught a halibut, threw it back. It wasn't habit

So I used to have a blog, but it got deleted somehow and I'm a little upset about that.  It was a great outlet for me.  I would just rant, vent, muse, create, and write in that space and no one was required to read it.  It was just for me.  So I guess I'll just start over.  This is a good thing I've decided though.  I never seem to have any time to write anymore and it makes me sad.  Writing is such a huge part of my life and it has helped me get through a lot.  When I didn't have my voice I had my written words.  Even now, I have more to say when I write and I'm not so great with formulating my words with my voice.  At least with writing I can take back what I've said and work on it til it's perfect.  What I first say out loud isn't usually what I mean and it mostly gets me in trouble.  I've missed writing so much.  I haven't been the same without it, like something's missing...so here is my attempt to get it back.

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